Following the recent advice issued by the UK and Scottish Government in regards to COVID-19. Grampian Kart Club have taken the decision to cancel this weekend (March 22) and the first MSUK round (April 12). As the situation continues to develop we will review it for future race meetings and potentially the possibility of amending the calendar to include other rounds at a later date.

Whilst disappointing our priority at the club is the health and wellbeing of not only our competitors but the volunteers, spectators and family members who attend the meetings. 

As it stands the track will remain open for practice to members unless this advice changes. We advise all to use their common sense and follow the guidance of the Government and NHS.

We will keep members up to date via e-mail but will also update our website and social media channels if the situation changes. 

It’s in all our interests to see this virus out and get back on track ASAP!