We hope that everyone is keeping well and looking forward to getting back on track soon. The GKC committee have had a few requests of the reopening of the circuit for member practice and so we would just like to update everyone on the current situation. 

Sport Scotland guidance states that under level 4 restrictions that outdoor, non-contact sports are okay for under 12 years of age but with a restriction of 2 adults from 2 households. So whilst in theory it is plausible, the practicality of it is extremely difficult with a membership of circa 200 people. In order for the club to ensure this guidance was followed the facility would need to be managed and as a small team of volunteers to run a booking system and supervise the facility it is just not feasible. Please have in mind that whilst the circuit may be closed there is a lot of other remedial and maintenance work being undertaken by some of these volunteers.

As a club we also have to acknowledge the narrative from the Government is to stay at home and only travel where necessary. To allow member practice wouldn’t be in the spirit of what we are being asked to do. We aren’t alone in this stance with East of Scotland Kart Club, North of Scotland Kart Club and kart clubs in England all currently closed.

We understand that this will come as a disappointment to some but we are also eager to get back on track too. Assuming the current guidance/tiers remain unchanged it is our belief that when we drop to level 3 then member practice is back on the cards but we will update members when this happens.