By purchasing membership and using the circuit you agree to the following:

1. In respect of any practice session where a competitive element takes place, wholly on the Boyndie circuit and in consideration of the acceptance of this declaration and of my being a full member of Grampian Kart Club, I agree to save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grampian Kart Club, such person, persons or body as maybe authorised by Grampian Kart Club to promote or organise the event and their respective officials, servants, representatives and agents together with other drivers and their respective servants, representatives and agents, from and against all claims, losses, damages, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities in respect of death or injury to or damage to the property of myself, my driver(s), passenger(s), mechanic(s) or associated personnel, arising out of or in connection with any practice session that I attend or take part in.

2. I understand that during my attendance or participation in practice session I will adhere to current Grampian Kart Club rules.

3. I understand that should I at any time during the practice session be suffering from any disability, whether permanent or temporary, which is likely to affect prejudicially my normal control of the vehicle, I may not take part unless I have declared such disability to Grampian Kart Club who have, following such declaration, issued a license which permits me to do so.

Circuit Rules

Below are the club’s rules governing the use of the track by members – please obey them and ensure that other members at the track do so too.

1) Parents & Guardians are held accountable for children under 18yrs of age while attending Grampian Kart Club.

2) Children to remain within the paddock area perimeter fencing and are not allowed in any of the adjacent fields beside our facility.

3) Abusive or threatening behaviour towards members/visitors/competitors/officials at any time whether a race weekend or mid-week practice will NOT be tolerated. Anyone found in breach of this rule will be dealt with accordingly and membership suspended.

4) Outside of controlled practice on race weekends and during the race program, the track may only be used by MEMBERS of Grampian Kart Club. Membership only applies to whoever is named on your membership.

NOTE: If someone is caught on the track that is not a member, the person who allowed them on shall be suspended.

5) All drivers using the track must wear full safety equipment as follows: race overalls, crash helmet, gloves and shoes providing ankle protection.

6) Karts used on circuit must be recognised and approved by the Association of British Kart Clubs (ABKC).

7) Drivers MUST ONLY EXIT the track via the pit lane entrance, i.e. they MUST NOT EXIT the track via the Dummy Grid.

8) Drivers must drive slowly in the Pit Lane and must stop before the end of the pit road where marked by the line and STOP sign. They MUST NOT DRIVE through to the dummy grid or in the pit area.

9) Karts may only be driven in the Pit Lane, Dummy Grid and Track (within the white lines) areas and must only be driven in the normal track direction, i.e. clockwise.

10) Practice sessions should be run as follows: – bambinos, cadets, inters, mini/juniors, seniors and gearbox, with ABSOLUTELY NO MIXING OF CLASSES. Bambino Karts are to run separately on the track, they are not allowed on the track with cadet karts.

11) Track users must not drive karts out of their class. I.e. Cadets may not drive junior karts & juniors may not drive senior karts. Class ages as per Motorsport UK regulations.

12) Drivers/Members are required to lock the gate after entry and exit. They are also required to inspect the track, pit lane and dummy grid for obstructions and displaced tyre walls prior to using the track.

13) Drivers must not practice unless there is at least one other person present over 16 years of age and are strongly recommended to have a mobile phone with them to call for help if needed.

14) If you are involved in an accident on GKC premises that requires treatment, you must contact or speak to a member of the club committee at the earliest connivence.

15) Track may only be used within official opening times as follows Monday to Sunday from 9am to 8:30pm between April 1st to October 31st Monday to Sunday from 9am to 4:30pm between November 1st to 31st March

The track is closed: December 25th, January 1st & 2nd

NOTE: If someone is caught on the track outwith the licensed track times stated above they will be suspended.

16) BAMBINO Karts Pre-race training for 6-7year olds. A competitor may continue in the class until their 8th Birthday (U15.4) Kart and engine (not greater than 3hp) must comply with Motorsport UK regulations

NOTE: No children under the age of 6 are allowed to use the track

17) ALL persons entering the track (mechanics / parents etc) MUST wear an orange Hi Viz Jacket / Vest. This applies at ALL times, including practice, with NO exceptions.

Pro-kart Saturdays – The track is officially closed for practice during Pro Kart days, we are somewhat flexible but check the calendar for bookings before setting off.